Cracked a tooth or missing a few? Restorative dentistry can bring your smile back to life. Crowns act like tiny, super-strong hats, encasing damaged teeth and restoring their function and bite. Bridges literally bridge the gap between missing teeth, anchoring crowns to healthy neighboring teeth for a natural-looking and stable solution. Both procedures are customized for a seamless look, allowing you to bite into that apple or flash a confident grin without worry.

Root Canal Services

Upon entering the office, you will be greeted by our friendly and professional staff and be asked to give us your medical and dental history. If you have dental insurance please be sure to bring the card. Once the forms are completed you will see the doctor for a thoroughexamination including dental impressions. Those who are interested in cosmetic dental procedures are encouraged to bring a list of questions and concerns regarding their particular situation. At the end of the consultation appointment the patients will know what cosmetic procedure – if any, is best suited in their case and they will receive an appointment date for a comprehensive examination.


Dental crowns and fixed bridges offer advantages for patients with damaged teeth. They are fully customizable to ensure that they match the size, shape, and shade that will suit your smile and unique facial features. Crowns can rescue a tooth from extraction and protect your oral health. Dental bridges prevent teeth from drifting out of place and causing alignment issues. Porcelain restorations are a wonderful option for the teeth that show when you speak and smile and dental porcelain looks just like your natural tooth enamel. With proper care a dental crown or fixed bridge can last for a long time.C